Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Social Media and Web Questions

1. I feel amateur user-generated content will continue to grow. Our generation has grown up among technology, apposed to our parents who grew up with very early technology and grandparents who grew up with no technology. Media and technology has grown tremendously over the years, and it only continues to grow more and more. Young children are constantly using technology in their every days lives, whether it be using the computer for information or communication, and even playing video games which children today are addicted to. When I was younger video games were not as popular as they are today, I played computer games more than sitting in front of the TV playing play station. New devices such as cell phones, computers, hand held tablets (iPad), video games, and even cars are improving more frequently then the public can keep up with. Amateur user-generated content will just continue to get better over time, because we are already experience the high tech content and products that come out each and every year. It will only continue to get better over time, not decline.

2. I personally do not use Facebook anymore, I used to have one and then I deleted it. I find Facebook to be a constant distraction to my every day life. Being able to view gossip and peoples information so easily is a scary thing. Society today thrives on gossip, and Facebook only helps them achieve what they are looking for. Even though I do not have a Facebook I do feel it is much more successful than MySpace. I remember when MySpace and Facebook first came out. I was in middle school maybe 13 years old and everyone started to make a page on MySpace, it was the new cool thing to do, it lasted for about two years and my freshmen year of high school Facebook had evolved, but not many people my age had a Facebook page yet, it was considered to only be used by college students. Shortly after, everyone in high school had Facebook. At first it was limited to very few functions, but very quickly blew away MySpace. Facebook seemed easier to use, and had much less viruses. Many people felt it was safer to use because you had to join a network (high school or college) to make a Facebook page. I feel a lot more and dedication work was put in to making Facebook. Facebook has already proven to be much more successful than MySpace, and has already been around longer then MySpace. Facebook is here to stay for a while. Twitter is one of the newest forms of social networking, but much different than Facebook in many ways and the concept of Twitter is different as well. Twitter is more to stay in touch with the world, latest news, and updates. Is not as much staying in touch with friends, family or coworkers, such as Facebook is used for.

3. Transparency seems to be an important more in the social media world. People I feel choose to hide behind transparency such as disguising themselves as someone different on Facebook or a dating website. It is important to portray your true self and feeling no matter if it is in the media world or in the offline world. When interviewing with a new company or setting out to look for new jobs it is very important to be yourself, because it is the most natural thing to do. Becoming another person or someone you who your pretending to be can result in difficulties and consequences. In general transparency is used much more within the media world, more directly pointing to social networking websites, but it is more IMPORTANT in the offline world. The offline world is your REAL life, where the Internet can be someone’s pretend or fantasy/fake life they are portraying themselves in. The offline world is where you made friends, go on job interviews and attend school; these things can be very hard to be a pretend person in. Where the online world, people can become whom ever they want.

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