Monday, February 7, 2011

New Mediums

Medium- Apple iPad
Content- applications, text, books, audio, internet, html links, digital video, digital pictures, symbols, communication, language.
Message- The apple iPad is one of the newest products of technology. The apple iPad allows consumers to access many applications, for endless information right at the touch of their hands. Wireless internet connection is available, for a fixed price a month and allows the user to connect anywhere they desire. The applications consist of games, news, videos, books, etc. You name it, apple has an app for it. The advanced technology on this extremely advanced device is outrageous. The iPad allows quick access to internet, this product has killed off many products on the market today. After apple came out with this product: Samsung galaxy tab, Blackberry play book, Dell streak, Asus ePad, and Sony dash also developed their own form of a handheld touch screen pad.

Medium- Blackberry/BBM
Content- text, written language, messages, quick access,
symbols, pictures.
Message- The blackberry device boomed in the last two years, this phone was strictly used for business, and mostly only business professionals owned one. Now the device is used by many more people. EVERYONE has a blackberry now, when a few years ago some people never even heard of blackberry. Blackberry has come out with more advanced technology for their phones, and it can be more personalized and user friendly. The BBM (Blackberry Messenger) application, is only available on the blackberry phone. This application, is used like an Instant Message sort of like AIM but only messages can be sent blackberry to blackberry. This application, is fasted than a regular SMS message, and can be used in other countries at NO charge. When a SMS is sent in another country from an US phone one is charged a fee. Only BBM has a no fee to send messages, when in another country, from one blackberry device to another. How convenient right?

Content- digital picture, digital video, audio
Message- New advanced technology for the TV. TiVo allows you to fast forward live TV from just a simple handheld remote. Your are able to record your favorite shows all at the same time. You can access them from a list where all your recordings are saved. You even are able to record while you are watching tv and fast forward commercials. It is a convenient way to watch your favorite shows, when you miss them on TV and just sit back and relax while you zip through those annoying commercials in the middle.

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