Monday, February 28, 2011

Digital Nation Question #2

There are many websites out there that help keep us involved in the world today. Whether it is staying connected with friends or reading the latest gossip and news, the technology out there today allows us to access tons of information about anything and everything. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites out there. Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with long lost friends and people you just met. Some people on Facebook do portray themselves as someone completely different then who they really are. It’s as if they live a double life.

There are some reasons I can think of that would make an individual want to lead a double life. Some feel pressured by peers, some are shy, and some have difficulties socializing and making friends. They feel the need to live this life behind a computer screen, because they are too afraid to live the life in reality. They live a virtual life through the computer and social networking websites.

I do feel Facebook allows us to extend and expand our identities to a certain extent. On Facebook you are able to post pictures of yourself, create a status of what you are currently doing, and even post on your friends walls. In a way you are exposing personal information about yourself, but it is all done by choice. You create your own Facebook page it is your choice to make a profile, and expose your information to the World Wide Web. So is it loss of personal space? In a way yes it is, but then again it is by choice. People are able to look at your pictures and even see who you are talking to, and what you are doing from day to day. It is a scary thing how simple it is to access this information about people’s personal lives right in the palm of our hands.

Digital Nation was an interesting movie. It helped me see how advanced technology has gotten. Little did I know, virtual worlds have been created and many are involved and make these virtual worlds a part of their lives. In my opinion these virtual worlds are not a positive invention. Especially for younger children, who are just developing, and learning how to communicate, and socialize. Growing up is the essential part of a young child’s life. What you learn at a young age carries on with you for the rest of your life. Learning to sit behind a computer screen and life a life that isn’t real can only do a child harm rather than good. Communication is a major part of one’s life. You learn how to make friends, go to school, learn and interact. Taking that away from a developing child can ruin their future, and job opportunities in life. If one hides behind these fake worlds, they will never learn how to interact with real people, with “reality.”

Bubbie was an elderly lady who created a cooking show with her grandson. They posted their videos online, and had many different recipes. They took advantage of the Internet and used it for an interesting concept. Were they exposing personal information? I do not think so. They simply prepared a meal together and posted their video for the world to see, to help people learn how to cook and create quick and easy dinner. The Internet can be used for fun and exciting things such as Bubbie’s cooking lessons. Some people actually are intimidated by the computer and Internet and shy away from using it, especially people in older generations who did not grow up using the computer. They feel it is difficult to used and have no patience trying to learn. I give Bubbie a lot of credit for taking on a difficult task, and succeeding in it.

People claim technology has separated us, example going to the movies together, to watching movies in the living room, to watching movies on our ipods/ipads. Now technology is turning around and people claim it is bringing us back together. Virtual worlds are not the way to bring our society back together. Virtual worlds in most situations will do more harm then good to communication in society.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If I had to identify the thesis in this entry, I would say that the main argument is that websites such as Facebook and Myspace could be and extension of a person's identity, however they could also be detrimental to a person if they get to wrapped up in the virtual element of this alternate world. Christa also states that technology also alienates us more and more as it becomes more popular, and that virtual worlds and websites also cause more alienation between people rather than bringing people together.

    After reading this entry, I definitely agree that sites such as Facebook are an extension of ourselves and help display our identities to the world around us. I also agree with the fact that virtual worlds allow us to be someone we aren't and explore things we may not be able to explore in reality. I also agree that imposing virtual life on children could be detrimental to their development because it may give them false beliefs and may cause them to confuse real and virtual worlds.

    However, I disagree with the opinion that these websites alienate us more than bring us together. I believe that sites such as Facebook help people stay connected. I know for me personally that I am able to stay in contact with people that I probably would not speak to if it wasn't for facebook. I think that technology keeps us very connected to the rest of the world at all times whether it be through using cellphones or social media.
