Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exit Through The Gift Shop

The film, Exit Through The Gift Shop was a very interesting film about street art. It was narrated by a member who chose to remain antonymous. He wore a black hood and talked in a deep voice. He went by the name Banksy, he decided to film an artist Thierry Guetta and his new experiences with creating street art. Thierry Guetta is a very creative person. He started off with street art and little having little knowledge. He later in life ends up opening his own art gallery which had over 2000 people waiting online to see his art. He created many different interesting projects, many i felt were recreated art, such as the mona lisa, and other famous art work which Thierry created in his own artistic ability. Thierry Guetta was a french born who started out as a blooming street artist who had a lot of potential. Throughout the movie we never actually see Banksy create any work, as the film focuses more on Thierry's work. Thierry's art show "Life Is Beautiful" was held in Los Angeles California, tickets sold or obscene amounts of money and people waited online for hours to see art work created by someone who started out knowing very little about street art. Which later bloomed into outstanding work of art.

Does the fact that the work is illegal change the meaning of the work?
The fact that the work is created illegally gives much more meaning to the work. Obviously people aren't creating the work for money. They take time out to create this art, and put hard work and dedication into their work. Their work demonstrates emotion and feelings, and artist put their full heart into their work and most of it comes from deep down inside. Yes, street are is looked down upon, and many feel it it looks like disaster on the streets. The people who are creating this art are just speaking their minds through their creativity and images on the streets. I believe it empowers the work because it is done illegally, and it gives more meaning to the work because it is created with feeling and expression. Where other artists and artwork are created with passion as well but also the artist is being paid for their work where as street artists to do it willingly.

Artist have a very special talent. They are able to create work with their feelings and emotion. Its amazing that everyone has different ideas and imagination, and every artist creates different pieces. Thierry had a talent that was very unique he had a lot of passion for his work, and it all paid off in the end when his art show was a hit.

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