Thursday, March 10, 2011

Andrew Keen Questions

1. Andrew Keen views Democratized media from a negative stand point. He feels technology and the internet are destroying children, and young adults view on life. When web 2.0 arose Keen said this shiny new version of the internet is going to change everything. Now that most Americans had broadband internet they were able to access the network fully and explore the information the internet had to offer. Another one of his concerns was the Internet would democratize Big Media, Big Business, and Big Government. He was unsure the direction of the Internet and where it was headed. He believed it was hurting our culture, and limiting people to explore more than just through the Internet/Web 2.0. An example of Democratized media would be Wikipedia. This websites allows any individual to post information to this site about anything and everything. Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information, because postings are able to be made by anyone whom has access to the web. The postings can be untruthful and fake, and people can be reading false information. The Internet is an amazing thing to have in my opinion, the public has easy and quick access to billions of sites and information which can be very beneficial in many ways. There is also the negative side of the Internet where this form of technology is disrupting young adolescent growth and in some cases enabling them to learn to communicate without using the computer and networking. Young children rely in the Internet for information and sources, and steer away from researching in book.

He calls it the "Great Seduction". He states that" Web 2.0 has promised to bring more depth of information, more global perspective, and more unbiased opinion from dispassionate observers and bloggers." He believes that the Internet is bringing us more superficial observers rather then deep analysis opinions. People may be persuaded by bloggers information and their opinion and views on values and situations. The Internet has allowed us to post our opinion to the public, whether they choose to believe the information or not. In reality the Internet has forced the public to become obsessed with the Internet and technology and many do not know how to live without it.

2. Keen feels technology- Internet and networking are destroying human growth and society. Where as Rushkoff believes that the concept of advanced technology and networking are helping society grow, and become more connected to each other. An example of one of Rushkoff's documentaries was Digital Nation. There was an example of second life and how a young child was able to swim with the dolphins and the young boy actually believed it was real. Where Rushkoff found this interesting, Keen would believe this was absurd and corrupting adolescent growth. Rushkoff was very much involved in the new technology and intrigued by the second life. Rushkoff felt that second life and advanced technology was the feature, and this is what society would be experiencing in the next few years. Where as Keen believes Internet is hurting society and human growth and disrupting our communication. An example in "The Great Seduction", was when he stated that advertising, and public relations are disguised as news, and the line between fact and fiction becomes blurred. Where as in wikipedia millions of people a day pull their research from this site where they believe the information posted is real and reliable when the truth is most of the information can be false.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Responses

I responded to Nicole Trapani's blog about Digital Nation. Her thesis is that social networking sites can help expand an individuals identity rather then restrict it and how technology is changing our lives. (

I also commented on Jessica Francia's ( and Eric Troiano's ( blog.